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welcome to october^^

september is past ard~

so fast de,PMR will coming soon^^

(start at next tuesday)


i'm nervous,and tired==

wad can i do it??
except studying,reading,sleeping....

everyday thinking,"play computer,play facebook,play...play...and play...=="

har??i also very worry ok!!

father always said"if you get the bad result!!heng heng!!you will know wad feel!"

i know tat bad feel is wad,i know i will cry,i know!!!i know!!!

i hate hearing the "dont' play more computer lar!"
"go to study lar!"
"you must get the well result lar!!"

when i listen tis..........horr>< hv a bad mood!~

nw i wan go to studying liao~!

hope the god save me and giv me a very very well result ^9^
thanks the god~~and my lovely family~~frens~
thanks the support^^

i will try & be the best in my PMR exam~~

so,Chang Ting Yee(CR015 K047)good luck ~~!
